
Top 3 Tech Innovations to Stop Snoring

Millions of people suffer from sleep apnea (snoring), and a majority of these people won’t even admit that they snore. Technology companies seized the opportunity to create simple yet effective snoring innovations to help in alleviating the global sleeping condition. These technology companies devised several ways to make snorers enjoy their sleep with the slightest trigger of breathing problems or simple nudging of the body to align it with normal breathing patterns. We have compiled some of the best snoring innovation technologies that might help avert your annoying snoring habit.

Smart Breathalyzers

The new breathing technology works by strapping an app on your chest to match your internal inhaling pattern with soft music. It is supposed to help you minimize snoring by mimicking your sounds and guides you to exhale slowly and soothe you into sound slumber within ten minutes after the app detects normal breathing rate in your chest.

Magnetic Resonance

Yoga and meditation is the most natural method to help reduce body stress and sleep apnea and heal faster. But the best tech innovation stress reliever is a giant 6-foot vertical sphere chair, and your body goes through a flood of magnetic resonance (vibration) stress-reliever. The vigorous shake-up boosts your heart rate variability (HRV) balancing the body’s nervous system to manage your stress response levels.

Image via dcproductsreview

Smart Bed

Lastly, we have a simple solution, a smart bed that monitors your sleep movements and stops your snoring body as soon as it detects sound from your body. The Hi-tech bed was built to detect sleep noisiness and gently move snorers into a comfortable posture, which stops the snoring.

The Smart bed helps heavy snorers from disturbing their sleeping partners by moving snorers immediately it detects snoring. The springs in its mattress respond to noises by raising the snoring individual’s head a few inches to open up their airway. The tech beds can also send you tailored charts about your sleeping statistics for the nights you have been snoring.

Image via Digital Trends

Get the latest sleeping technologies to end your night woes and sleep like an angel with any of these god-sent innovative anti-snoring ideas.

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