
Foods That Lower Diabetes

The more you weight, the higher the chance of heart disease and diabetes. Here are some special foods that one should consume to lower their blood sugar level.

1. Eggs

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A hard-boiled egg is a handy high-protein snack if you have diabetes. The protein will help keep you full without affecting your blood sugar. Protein not only slows digestion, it also slows glucose absorption. This is very helpful if you have diabetes. It has been proved that people who consume eggs on a regular basis are better at controlling their appetite. It is a myth that consuming yolks is harmful. It is safe to eat one or two eggs per day.

2. Apples

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All apples fight bad cholesterol and provide you with nutrients. Apples have a minimal effect on blood sugar levels and are unlikely to cause rapid spikes in blood sugar, even in diabetics. BOTTOM LINE: Apples contain carbs, which can raise blood sugar levels. However, the fiber in apples helps stabilize blood sugar levels, in addition to providing other health benefits.

3. Peanut Butter

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Peanut butter contains monounsaturated fats – something that supports your metabolism. A diet high in magnesium is thought to offer protective benefits against the development of diabetes. However, low-fat peanut butter is not recommended for diabetics because the manufacturers add extra sugar when they lower the fat content. Opt in for all-natural peanut butter only.

4. Avocado

Image via Squire Pennies

Not all foods that are rich and creamy are bad for your digestive tract. Avocado is one of them. Avocados could help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke in people with diabetes. The fats in avocados are mostly monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which have been shown to raise “good” HDL cholesterol. In another word, the fatty acids found in avocado reverse the impact of insulin resistance.

5. Guava

Image via Insider Indian

Eating guava without its skin can reduce the sugar absorption in your blood. Since guava is rich in dietary fiber, it’s easy on your tummy, helps ease constipation (a common diabetic complaint) and can even lower the chance of developing type two diabetes. The fruit is also rich in vitamin C – the organic compound that repairs damaged cells.

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