
4 Benefits of Journaling

Keeping a personal journal can have many benefits for the writer, and here are a few:

List down goals

One of the benefits of writing a journal, is that it helps with achieving your goals. Writing down your goals is a way of targeting your wants and ensuring that it comes to pass, as it has now been documented.

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It’s therapeutic

Journaling can be used therapeutically as well, encouraging you to note your inner most thoughts and feelings, that would under normal circumstances go unmentioned. If you have undergone a traumatic experience this can help with the healing process, and lead you down the road to health and recovery.

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Build your self-confidence

Another positive aspect of keeping a journal, is that it helps you to build your self-confidence. Writing about various positive things that you have experienced, and causes you to mentally relive that moment once again. This helps to reaffirm the positive attributes about yourself, and helps to build you up.

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Document important events

Also, journaling is a means of recording information and things that happened in the past. You can use it as means of reminding you what happened previously, and remembering important dates.

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Journaling can be at times tedious, but like any good habit, it takes practice and consistency for it to become a staple in your everyday life.

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