
Looks Can Be Deceiving

1. Slow Loris

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This cute looking animal is one of the rarest primates in the world. There are only 5 known species of this nocturnal animal in the world. But do keep in mind that it is the only living primate that is poisonous.

2. Swan

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Swan is a symbol of love, grace and beauty. Surprisingly, these cute looking birds are not so gentle if they feel threatened. They have a strong bite and can cause some serious injuries to defend themselves against predators like fox, raccoons and even humans.

3. Poison Dart Frog

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This little Psychedelic colorful looking creature is found in the forests of Central and South America. They have the most deadly poison that can kill a number of humans. Be careful to watch your step next time you are in their territory.

4. Chimpanzee

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Chimpanzee is an intelligent animal. They are known to learn words and communicate. But, they are known to be very aggressive by nature. An full grown chimpanzee almost has five times the strength than an adult human. Their bite can cause serious injuries.

5. Blue Ringed Octopus

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This cute looking Octopus carries one of the most deadliest venom which is supposedly 1000 times more dangerous than cyanide. One bite from them and you will be dead in minutes. There is no antidote to blue-ringed octopus’s venom which makes it a deadly creature.

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