5. Toothpaste

We use toothpaste everyday to keep us hygienic and healthy, but it is deadly. This is because 95 percent of toothpaste in the United States contains fluoride. Overconsumption of fluoride toothpaste in children can cause acute fluoride poisoning and can even lead to death. Another side effect of toothpaste is dental fluorosis, which attacks tooth enamel and can result in severe reactions.
4. Bleach

Bleach is one of the most dangerous household cleaning product that we use in our day to day life. Consuming bleach or even inhaling it can be deadly. When mixed with other cleaners that contain ammonia and acids, can result into deadly toxic gases. These gases can cause some serious problems if exposed to them. These gases can also be absorbed through the skin.
3. Mothballs

Most of us, keep these in our storage container, basement and even attics. The main ingredient used is paradichlorobenzene or naphthalene. Research has proved that both chemicals become gases when exposed to oxygen. This gas is highly irritable to eyes and lungs but is even suspected of potentially causing cancer. Prolonged exposure to these gases can damage red blood cells, and symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
2. Lead Paint

Lead-based paint is still used in many homes all across the world. Lead is naturally occurring, and is known to cause damage to the central nervous system, brain, blood cells and kidneys. Moreover, prolonged exposure can result in death. In 1978, the US government banned the use of all paints containing lead. So, next time when you decide to paint your house, be sure to inspect that the paint you use is not a lead-based paint.
1. Air Fresheners

Air Fresheners have become a common household product. Not many know, that these products contain dangerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like benzene, limonene, formaldehyde, and petroleum distillates. These chemicals are known to cause asthma and other respiratory symptoms, bone damage and leukemia. These air fresheners also contain a chemical called dichlorobenzene which is a carcinogen, and an EPA-registered pesticide.